Salary Transparency Report

EQUAL PAY BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN – Transparency Report (MTE Ordinance No. 3.714/2023)

With the aim of guaranteeing equal pay and establishing remuneration criteria between men and women, Law no. 14.611/2023, reinforcing what our CLT indicates in the article 461. The approved text also provides for the duties to be fulfilled by companies to achieve this equality, such as the publication of Salary Transparency Reports and Remuneration Criteria.

It is important to highlight that this report presents official information from the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) and was prepared taking into account information from e-Social, based on date 31 december 2022. The methodology used by the MTE to obtain this data involves analyzing employee salaries based on the Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO), established by ministerial order no. 397 of 2002, which categorizes professional activities in Brazil. This methodology does not include details such as the seniority of positions (junior, full and senior) or hiring time, just the general job classification and gender, in the period analyzed.

Copobras reaffirms its natural willingness to promote salary equity as well as diversity in its company.